Sarajevo, a small city squeezed between the mountains, has seen empires come and go. They all left their marks on this most resilient of cities. The city has survived its recent siege as it survived wars, plagues and earthquakes in the past, and managed to maintain its multireligious and tolerant character.
For centuries, vibrant communities of Muslims, Orthodox and Catholic Christians and Jews influenced and reinforced each other, and jointly created an extraordinary city. Sarajevo wouldn't be Sarajevo without its plethora of cultural festivals, museums and monuments. It wouldn't be Sarajevo without its surrounding mountains, dense forests and Olympic-quality ski resorts. And it most certainly wouldn't be Sarajevo without the beautiful, cultured, tolerant, witty, rugged, unpretentious Sarajevans.
This guide covers all there is to see and do in the city itself, and explores many hidden treasures in the surrounding areas. Enjoy the journey.
Mostar's Old Bridge, unique in its austere and simple beauty, once again unites east and west. Its reopening in 2004 reinstated Herzegovina as one of the most exciting tourist destinations in the Balkans. This guide takes you around Mostar and all other major attractions of Herzegovina. It also covers Herzegovina's many hidden treasures. Explore the Dinaric Alps, their rugged forests and shepherd villages. Go rafting, fishing or birding. Visit the pilgrimage sites and ancient monasteries. Enjoy Herzegovina.
As the border and battleground of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, and as the birthplace of the Bosnian nation, this region has shaped much of the cultural and historical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today, countless monuments as well as the region's everyday culture bear witness to the rich history of Central and North Bosnia. Notwithstanding its rich cultural heritage, and with the exception of Bihać, this region is off the beaten tourist track and you won't find much tourist information anywhere. This guided journey aims to fill that gap. It reviews hundreds of hotels and restaurants, museums and galleries, parks and festivals in all major towns and cities in the region. It also explores ancient monasteries and fortresses, and travels along the region's rivers and deep into its forests. Enjoy the journey.
Forgotten Beauty presents over 30 walks to the quietest and highest corner’s of Bosnia & Herzegovina’s forgotten natural beauty. It includes hikes to all of BiH’s major 2000 meter peaks, plus a number of ‘other selected adventures’ in and around Sarajevo.
The book includes detailed 1:25,000 maps, GPS references for all key points on the hikes, vehicle directions with accompanying maps to reach trailheads, and safety information - including mine maps and mine awareness information.
Forgotten Beauty includes easy level walks, challenging day trips, as well short over night treks for adventurous hikers. It’s a unique work, and its meticulous detail allows the independent hiker to discover some of quietest and least trekked mountains in Europe.
Sinds kort is er een nieuwe Multimedia CD-rom “Sarajevo”. Deze CD-rom bevat zowel archief materiaal als nieuwe, speciaal voor deze doeleinden gemaakte opnames. Het resultaat is verbluffend:
- Meer dan 400 foto's met hoge kwaliteit van Sarajevo
- Korte geschiedenis van de stad met interactieve album
- 15 min. video materiaal
- de mogelikheid van afdrukken van alle foto's
- slide show effecten
Het inhoud is verdeeld in drie categorieën: tekst gedeelte met interactieve foto album, foto galerie verdeeld in 20 verschillende thema’s en 6 clips omvattend video materiaal met totale duur van cca. 15 min.
Op deze CD-rom kunt u echt alles vinden over deze geweldige stad: zowel oude historische gebouwen, religieuze objecten zoals kerken en moskees, als parken en recreatieplekken in en om de stad. Deze CD-rom is meer dan visuele verassing, hier zult u ook vele testuele informatie over de stad vinden. Echt een aanrader voor iederee die meer te weten willen komen over Europese Jeruzalem.

Zie ook: Bosnie
