18.06.2009 - Film Snow in Nederland
Bosnië, 1997. De inwoonsters van Slavno, een door de oorlog verwoest dorp, hebben na de dood van hun mannen en vaders hun eigen bijzondere leefwereld weer opgebouwd waarin het gemis heel voelbaar is. Zonder het zelf te beseffen hebben ze van hun dorp een ideale wereld gemaakt. Op een dag duiken twee zakenmensen op die de dorpsbewoners een fikse som geld bieden voor hun dorp. De bewoonsters staan voor een dilemma: het voorstel aanvaarden waardoor ze hun levensvoorwaarden verbeteren maar ook hun ziel verliezen? Een plotse storm houdt de zakenmensen in Slavno vast en confronteert hen met een nog ernstiger probleem: de waarheid over de dood van hun geliefden.
Winnaar van de Grand Prix de la Semaine de la Critique in Cannes, 2008.
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15.05.2009 - DJ Tiesto in Sarajevo
One of the world's most popular trance DJ's and record publishers, Dutch born Tijs Michiel Verwest, alias DJ Tiësto performs on 15 May 2009 at the Mirza Delibasic Hall in Skenderija Centre. He received many awards and was the first DJ to play live on stage at an Olympics Games when he performed live at the opening ceremony in Greece in 2004.
10.05.2008 - Sevdah Art House
Ceremonial Opening of Sevdah Art House took place in the frame of the Canton Sarajevo Days. The House is located at Bascarsija (Old Town) and it displays museum-educational and historical artifacts dedicated to traditional love-song greats of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The house holds their personal items and awards, approximately 500 songs, great number of books (bilingual editions) and traditional attire.
06.05.2008 - Sarajevo Oldtimers
The 6th International Oldtimer Rally takes place from 10 - 11 May in Sarajevo. The event, appearing under the motto "Smile for Bosnia and Herzegovina" is organized by the Sarajevo Oldtimer Club. The race starts on May 10 at Oaza Camping Site from Ilidza - Bjelasnica Mountain - Sarajevo. On May 11, participants will drive through town, stopping at Bascarsija and finally arriving at National Theatre, where the Old Timer Exhibition will take place.
06.05.2008 - Exhibition: Sarajevo Crafts Through Time
The Association of the Old Traditional Crafts, in collaboration with the Canton Sarajevo Government, organizes the 4th Sarajevo Crafts Through Time Exhibition. This year's exhibition displaying various traditional craft items, held in the frame of the Canton Sarajevo Days, will be open on May 10, 2008 at Brusa Bezistan.
26.11.2007 - Vakantiespecial 2007 bij Toeractief (het wandel- en fiets blad van Nederland
Zin in vakantie? En wel naar een zonnige bestemming waar het goed wandelen of fietsen is? Toeractief zocht en vond acht fijne bestemmingen met een sportief arrangement. Bij Toeractief verlangen we, na een uurtje wandelen of op de fiets tegen de wind in, met druipneus en tintelende tenen, al stiekem naar de zon. U ook? Ook wij dachten bij Bosnië en Herzegovina eerder aan oorlog dan aan een vakantieparadijs. Totdat we een aantal foto's onder ogen kregen en meteen op pad wilden. Want hier 'ontmoet het westen het oosten', zijn afgelegen dorpjes waar men nog in traditionele klederdracht rondloopt en zie je een middeleeuwse abdij naast moskee met minaret. Ver weg van het massatoerisme, op een plek waar vrijwel niemand aan denkt, kunt u schitterend wandelen door ruige bergkloven en oerbossen met indrukwekkende watervallen en genieten van rustieke bergmeertjes.

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14.11.2007 - Tourism Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina
World Travel Market (WTM), London is one of the prime travel trade industry exhibitions. Approximately 5.500 exhibiting companies representing over 200 countries and regions attended this year's WTM, held 12 - 15 Nov 2007. Among six winners of WTM 2007 Best Stand Awards is the Tourism Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina awarded with the Best Stand Feature Award. Supported by USAID CCA, Tourism Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina together with ten national tourist agencies participated at WTM for the first time.
30.10.2007 - Deep Purple in Sarajevo
Legendary "Deep Purple" on the Live Tour 2007 rocks in Sarajevo on November, 3rd at the Zetra Olympic Centre. Deep Purple are and English rock band celebrating their 4th decade, claimed to have sold over a hundred million albums. Rock-lovers can enjoy their performance, some of their best hits and special stage design.
18.09.2007 - City Bus Sarajevo
Centrotrans-eurolines introduced the first sightseeing tour - "City Bus Sarajevo". The 80-minute sightseeing tour includes cultural and historical monuments on the 23 kilometer course: Cathedral, Alipasina Street, Kosevo Stadium, Zetra Sports Hall, Obala Kulin ban Street, Goat's Bridge where it makes a turn and continues towards museums and public institutions and then proceeds back to the starting line. The bus starts at 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. every day. Ticket price for adults is 5 KM (6 KM in the evening); for children 3 KM (4 KM in the evening).
5.07.2007 - Bijambare in a New Guise
Ceremonial promotion of the Project - "Development of the tourist site Bijambare - Phase 1" supported by the European Union and Ministry of Regional Planning and Protection of the Environment of the Canton Sarajevo was held yesterday. The Project aims at creating a new tourist spot in order to attract more visitors, contribute to the economic development of the region and raise public awareness on the importance of environmental protection. So far construction included reconstruction of the tourist track up to the Middle Cave, light and sound equipment, new toilettes, info-post, reconstruction and lightening of walk paths, new parking grounds, signage, brochures, postcards and pamphlets.
31.05.2007 - Sarajevo Cevap
Urban Grill and Meat Industry Brajlović organize the 1st Sarajevo Cevap Manifestation on 31 May 2007. The event aims at presenting the most famous gastronomic brand in Bosnia and Herzegovina - cevap (grilled meat fingers). Secret of this famous Bascarsija food lies in a hundred-year old recipe treasured by a family. This event will further enrich our city, especially in regards to tourists who must taste cevap if they truly want to experience Sarajevo.
11.04.2007 - New Tourist Information Point in Sarajevo
Tourism Association of the Sarajevo Canton has opened a new Tourist-Information Point in Bascarsija, Kazandziluk Street. This centre provides information for local and foreign tourists and offers various tourist brochures featuring tourism attractions of the Sarajevo Canton.
05.12.2006. - "TopWorld" - B&H as one of the most popular tourist attractions
One of the most visited international tourist websites Top World ( ranked Bosnia and Herzegovina as the country which has the third highest tourism growth rate in the world.

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08.12.2006. - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Tourist Destination
UN World Tourism Organization stated Bosnia and Herzegovina as an active member of the Organization in the worldwide circulated magazine of the World Tourism Organization, Issue 3/2006, for the first time. Bosnia and Herzegovina was mentioned as one of the European countries which celebrated World Tourism Day (27 September 2006). WTO published news based on the report about the event held in the frame of the Tourism Enriches campaign.
08.09.2006. - Onderzoekers hebben woensdag in Bosnië gladde steenlagen van een vermeende piramide blootgelegd.
"Dit zijn de eerste blootgelegde muren van de piramide," zo liet de overtuigde amateur-archeoloog Semir Osmanagic aan de media weten.

Stenen piramide
Osmanagic, een Amerikaan van Bosnische afkomst, is er zeker van dat hij de eerste piramide van Europa heeft gevonden.

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20.02.2006. - Gouden Beer gaat naar Sarajevo
BERLIJN - De Bosnische film "Grbavica", van Jasmila Zbanic heeft afgelopen zaterdag in Berlijn de Gouden Beer voor de beste film gewonnen. Na de Academy Oscar (No Mans Land, van Danis Tanovic, in 2002) is dit de meest belangrijke prijs van de Bosnische cinematografie.

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